The 75th General Assembly andInternational Scientific Congress

The 75th General Assembly and International Scientific Congress Eden by the Mountain, Brasov (Romania) November, 7th – 10th, 2024 FEMTEC advocates, based on its long experience, that sharing experience has in itself the source of highlighting that multidisciplinary (technical-scientific) and multilateral (cultural, political, economic, social and organizational) approaches are indispensable. Dear colleagues, we are…

Congress 2021

1 – 5 Septembrie 2021, Congresul Național Anual de Medicină Fizică, de Recuperare și Balneologie, cu participare internațională, într-o variantă hibridă – inclusiv prin participare fizică – la Covasna sau/și online, pe platforma zoom a evenimentului.

The Ordinary General Assembly is reconvened – February 3, 2021

”The Ordinary General Assembly of the Romanian Society of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Balneoclimatology (SRMFRB) is convened, for the date ofFebruary 2, 2021, starting with 10:00 – ONLINE, with the following agenda: 1. Affiliation with ISPRM.2. Information on the economic-financial situation for 2020 according to the balance concluded on 31.12.2020.3. Academic activity report for 2020.4.…

The Ordinary General Assembly is reconvened – February 2, 2021

”The Ordinary General Assembly of the Romanian Society of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Balneoclimatology (SRMFRB) is reconvened, for the date ofFebruary 3, 2021, starting at 20:00 – ONLINE, with the following agenda:1. Affiliation with ISPRM.2. Information on the economic-financial situation for 2020 according to the balance concluded on 31.12.2020.3. Academic activity report for 2020.4. Establishing…