Societatea Română de Medicină Fizică. de Recuperare și Balneoclimatologie, anunță cu adâncă durere, încetarea din viață a ilustrului nostru coleg și mentor Prof. Univ. Dr. Tudor SBENGHE – personalitate medicală de excepție ce a adus contribuții inestimabile la dezvoltarea școlii românești de recuperare, medicină fizică și balneoclimatologie, contribuind direct și prin vasta și valoroasa sa operă la formarea a numeroase generații de colegi din specialitatea noastră.

Dumnezeu să odihnească în pace și în lumină sufletul său minunat !! 

The 75th General Assembly andInternational Scientific Congress

The 75th General Assembly and International Scientific Congress Eden by the Mountain, Brasov (Romania) November, 7th – 10th, 2024 FEMTEC advocates, based on its long experience, that sharing experience has in itself the source of highlighting that multidisciplinary (technical-scientific) and multilateral (cultural, political, economic, social and organizational) approaches are indispensable. Dear colleagues, we are…

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Congress 2021

1 – 5 Septembrie 2021, Congresul Național Anual de Medicină Fizică, de Recuperare și Balneologie, cu participare internațională, într-o variantă hibridă – inclusiv prin participare fizică – la Covasna sau/și online, pe platforma zoom a evenimentului.

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The Ordinary General Assembly is reconvened – February 3, 2021

”The Ordinary General Assembly of the Romanian Society of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Balneoclimatology (SRMFRB) is convened, for the date ofFebruary 2, 2021, starting with 10:00 – ONLINE, with the following agenda: 1. Affiliation with ISPRM.2. Information on the economic-financial situation for 2020 according to the balance concluded on 31.12.2020.3. Academic activity report for 2020.4.…

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The Ordinary General Assembly is reconvened – February 2, 2021

”The Ordinary General Assembly of the Romanian Society of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Balneoclimatology (SRMFRB) is reconvened, for the date ofFebruary 3, 2021, starting at 20:00 – ONLINE, with the following agenda:1. Affiliation with ISPRM.2. Information on the economic-financial situation for 2020 according to the balance concluded on 31.12.2020.3. Academic activity report for 2020.4. Establishing…

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The Extraordinary General Assembly is reconvened – January 17, 2020

The Extraordinary General Assembly of the Romanian Society of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Balneoclimatology (SRMFRB) is reconvened, for January 17, 2020, starting with 14:30 in Bucharest, Ilfov County Emergency Clinical Hospital (Bd. Basarabia no. 49- 51), with the following agenda: Partial elections for changes in the structure of the Board of Directors and statutory, related.…

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The Extraordinary General Assembly is reconvened – November 1, 2019

The Extraordinary General Assembly of the Romanian Society of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Balneoclimatology (SRMFRB) is reconvened, for November 1, 2019, starting with 14:00 in Bucharest, National Recovery Center for Children Dr. Nicolae Robănescu (Str. Soldat Minca Dumitru No. 40), with the following agenda: Decision on the extension of the mandates, by positions, of the…

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The Annual Extraordinary General Meeting is reconvened – September 6, 2019

The Annual Extraordinary General Assembly of the Romanian Society of Physical Medicine, Recovery and Balneoclimatology (SRMFRB) is reconvened, for September 6, 2019, starting with 17:45 at Salt Lake, the Establishment of the Archdiocese of the Lower Danube ”St. Pantelimon ”- within the National Congress of Physical Medicine, and Balneology 2019. On the agenda: – Discussion…

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The Extraordinary General Assembly is reconvened – May 25, 2018

The Extraordinary General Assembly of the Romanian Society of Physical Medicine, Recovery and Balneoclimatology (SRMFRB) is convened, for May 24, 2018, starting with 5.30 pm in Cluj-Napoca – “Iuliu Hatieganu” Hall, “Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy” ”(In the context of the National Congress of Recovery, Physical Medicine and Balneology – with international participation)…

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The Extraordinary General Assembly is convened – May 24, 2018

The Extraordinary General Assembly of the Romanian Society of Physical Medicine, Recovery and Balneoclimatology (SRMFRB) is reconvened, for May 25, 2018, starting with 5.40 pm in Cluj-Napoca – “Iuliu Hatieganu” Hall, “Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy” ”(In the context of the National Congress of Recovery, Physical Medicine and Balneology – with international participation)…

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