The Annual Extraordinary General Assembly of the Romanian Society of Physical Medicine, Recovery and Balneoclimatology (SRMFRB) is reconvened, for September 6, 2019, starting with 17:45 at Salt Lake, the Establishment of the Archdiocese of the Lower Danube ”St. Pantelimon ”- within the National Congress of Physical Medicine, and Balneology 2019.
On the agenda:
– Discussion and vote on the amendment of the protocol of the consortium partnership between the ROMANIAN SOCIETY OF NEUROREABILITATION (RoSNeRa), THE ROMANIAN SOCIETY OF PATHOLOGY, THERAPY AND RECOVERY OF THE MEDULAR VERTEBRO (RoSCoS), THE ROMANIAN SOCIETY OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND RECOMMENDATION of Balneology (ARB), and respectively of the initiative to establish in Romania the competence of neurological / neurosurgical recovery (neurorecovery).
– Miscellaneous